Over 20 years of experience staffing the best Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Dermatology practices in the LA area

Aesthetic Medical Permanent/Direct Hire Recruiting and Consulting Services

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Find the Perfect Candidate

Tired of working with high pressure, agency salespeople trying to make their quotas? Tara works with you to find the most qualified candidate for your office.  Instead of flooding you with unqualified applicants, she will send experienced people that are the right match for your position.


Job Seekers: Find your Dream Job

Tara wants to help you find your dream job! She works with some of the best offices in Los Angeles. She knows the doctors you want to work for, and the ones you don’t! She has placed hundreds of people over the years.  Get the job you want, today!

“Tara has helped match me with my dream job! I am incredibly thankful to her each day!”

—Arella A.

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